Q-O2.be – info@q-02.be – previous editions
Oscillation is a project by Q‑O2 werkplaats, organised by Julia Eckhardt, Caroline Profanter, Henry Andersen, Ludo Engels, Christel Simons, Dries Robbe, Maria Margolina, Emilia Elouardi, Leo Van Damme, en Z.
EDITS is a sensual dive steeped in melancholy and raw intensity. Sparked by gestures at once improvised and orchestrated, a score emerges through the performative misuse of digital turntables. Each motion affects the audio sources, disfiguring them to deepen the narrative setting. There, in the smashed, jerky, cut-up textures, feelings linger beneath the surface of noise. EDITS recalls inner sensations drawn from first-hand experience — a weight upon the heart, the memory of a tremor, tears of joy or tears of woe, what make us whole or hollow.
Sandar Tun Tun builds their work around fabulation, new alliances, and collaborative trajectories. Artist, DJ and composer, they develop a sonic, spatial, and performative practice focused on listening as a critical and sensitive responsiveness. Drawing on musical social space and its transgressive perspectives, their projects explore ways of reverence or interversion to inhabit dissonance, fragmentation, and noise.